Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in Lincoln, NE 68508
* Each listing below of Organizations Information for Lincoln NE should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A & R Advertising | 402-476-8953 | 1335 H St Ste 100 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Aac Association | 402-477-7006 | 941 O St Ste B2 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Adams Donald D Governmental Co | 402-434-2938 | 301 S 13th St Ste 401 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Alcohol & Other Drugs | 402-476-9736 | 920 L St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Association of Independent Col | 402-434-2818 | 521 S 14th St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Blind of Nebraska National Federa | 402-477-7711 | 1033 O St Ste 24B | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Carmer James C PhD | 402-435-1313 | 206 S 13th St Ste 1000 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Casa for Lancaster County | 402-474-5161 | 315 S 9th St Ste 213 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Cavanaugh Law Firm P C L L O | 402-476-8435 | 1327 H St Ste 311 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
College of Psychiatric and Neurologic | 402-476-1677 | 201 N 8th St Ste 400 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Downtown Lincoln Association | 402-434-6900 | 1200 N St Ste 101 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Horsemen Benevolent & Protective Asso | 402-474-4900 | 301 S 12th St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Independent Insurance Agents of Nebr | 402-476-2951 | 1023 Lincoln Mall | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Legal Aid of Nebraska | 402-435-2161 | 941 O St Ste 825 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Lincoln Chapter Order of Demolay | 402-435-2144 | 332 Centennial Mall S | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Mothers Against Drunk Driving State | 402-434-5330 | 800 S 13th St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Naacp-Lincoln | 402-475-4700 | 430 S 16th St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
National Federation of Independent Bus | 402-474-3570 | 233 S 13th St Ste 1100 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nbisco Agency Services | 402-474-8030 | 233 S 13th St Ste 700 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
NE Statewide Independent Liv | 402-438-7979 | 215 Centennial Mall S Ste 520 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebr Medical Foundation Inc | 402-474-4472 | 233 S 13th St Ste 1512 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebr Sheriff's Association | 402-434-3785 | 1700 N 17th St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebr State Bar Assoc | 402-475-7091 | 635 S 14th St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebraska Alumni Association | 402-472-2841 | 1520 R St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebraska Association of County Official | 402-434-5660 | 625 S 14th St Ste A | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebraska Cattlemen | 402-475-2333 | 134 S 13th St Fl 9 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebraska Community College Associa | 402-471-4685 | 601 S 12th St Ste 200 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebraska Corn Growers Assoc | 402-438-6459 | 1327 H St Ste 308 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebraska Council of School Adm | 402-476-8055 | 455 S 11th St Ste A | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebraska County Attorneys Assoc | 402-476-6047 | 1233 Lincoln Mall Ste 203 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebraska Criminal Defense Attorne | 402-476-1253 | 1327 H St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebraska Family Council | 402-477-3191 | 315 S 9th St Ste 212 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebraska Hospital Assn | 402-458-4900 | 1640 L St Ste D | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebraska Independent Community Banke | 402-474-4662 | 1320 Lincoln Mall Ste 200 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebraska New Car & Truck Dealers A | 402-475-1079 | 701 S 13th St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebraska Psychological Assn | 402-475-0709 | 1044 H St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebraska Retail Federation | 402-474-5255 | 1327 H St Ste 103 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebraska Society of Professional En | 402-476-2572 | 825 M St Ste 400 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
United Way of Lincoln Lancaster Co | 402-441-7700 | 206 S 13th St Ste 100 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
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