Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Lincoln, NE 68502
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Lincoln NE should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amigos | 402-488-8500 | 3201 Pioneers Blvd Ste 112 | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Amigos | 402-423-6794 | 4200 S 14th St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Amigos | 402-742-9000 | 2063 S 16th St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Brewsky's Food & Spirits | 402-438-2739 | 1602 South St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Buzzard Billy's | 402-475-8822 | 8th & Q | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Caffe Italia | 402-489-4949 | 2110 Winthrop Rd | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
El Sitio | 402-476-0414 | 17 Van Dorn | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Grandmother's Restaurant Loun | 402-483-7855 | 70th & A St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Heidelberg's Sports Bar Restaurant | 402-434-7120 | 16th & Old Cheney Rd | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Heidelberg's Sports Bar Restaurant | 402-434-7100 | 32nd & Superior | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Hi-Way Diner | 402-423-6066 | 2105 Highway 2 | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Kfc | 402-476-0250 | 12th & South | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Kfc | 402-489-2326 | 48th & Van Dorn | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Long John Silver Restaurant Stor | 402-423-0868 | 3400 S 10th St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Major's Convenience Store & Cafe | 402-423-9147 | 11501 S 12 | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 402-423-1355 | 3330 S 10th St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Southeast Bingo | 402-438-3013 | 2604 Park Blvd | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 402-421-9191 | 10th & High | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
T & R's Garden Restaurant | 402-464-5343 | 52nd & Cornhuskr Hwy | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Taco Inn | 402-421-8185 | 3247 S 10th St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Taco John's | 402-477-2943 | 1126 South St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Tina's Cafe & Catering | 402-435-9404 | 616 South St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Union Market | 402-486-2516 | 49th & Prescott | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Village Inn | 402-563-2982 | 3809 23rd St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
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