Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Lincoln, NE 68508
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Lincoln NE should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alcohol & Other Drugs | 402-475-1303 | 110 Q St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Association of Nebraska Community Actio | 402-471-3714 | 1120 K St Ste 100 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Centerpointe | 402-475-5161 | 1000 S 13th St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Childfind of Nebraska | 402-471-3656 | 301 Centennial Mall S | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Combined Health Agencies Drive | 402-475-2770 | 215 Centennial Mall S | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Commodities Supplemental Fo | 402-438-5231 | 1100 Military Rd | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Early Head Start | 402-471-4515 | 210 O St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Family & Youth Investment | 402-441-4343 | 1645 N St Ste A | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Gathering Place The | 402-476-7398 | 1448 E St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Language Assistance | 402-476-7323 | 1625 N St Ste B | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Make A Wish Foundation of Nebraska | 402-475-9474 | 201 N 8th St Ste 210 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Migrant Action Program | 402-434-2821 | 941 O St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Mission | 402-434-5390 | 1825 O St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebraska Advocacy Services | 402-474-3183 | 134 S 13th St Ste 600 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebraska Aids Project | 402-476-7000 | 220 S 17th St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebraska Domestic Violence Sexual | 402-476-6256 | 825 M St Ste 404 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebraskans Against the Death Penalty | 402-477-7787 | 941 O St Ste 725 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebraskans for Peace | 402-475-4620 | 941 O St Ste 1026 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
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