Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Day Care in Dover, NH 03820
* Each listing below of Day Care Information for Dover NH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Children in Motion Inc | 603-743-3312 | County Farm Rd | Dover | NH | 03820 |
Cross Road Kindergarten & School | 603-749-4278 | 18 French Cross Rd | Dover | NH | 03820 |
Daycare Center at Wentworth Dougl | 603-742-7155 | 789 Central Ave | Dover | NH | 03820 |
Dover Children Center | 603-742-7637 | 43 Back River Rd | Dover | NH | 03820 |
Dover Country Day School | 603-742-0321 | 118 Locust St | Dover | NH | 03820 |
Hub Family Resource Center | 603-749-9754 | 23 Atkinson St | Dover | NH | 03820 |
Little Lamb Nursery & Day Care | 603-743-3102 | 31 Tennyson Ave | Dover | NH | 03820 |
New Horizons in Child Development Inc | 603-749-1094 | 171 Watson Rd | Dover | NH | 03820 |
Peter Cotton Tail Preschool | 603-749-4411 | 42 Long Hill Rd | Dover | NH | 03820 |
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