Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Mays Landing, NJ 08330
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Mays Landing NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Asbury United Methodist Church | 609-653-0606 | Asbury Rd | Mays Landing | NJ | 08330 |
Ash John Rev | 609-625-2937 | 6001 Main St | Mays Landing | NJ | 08330 |
Christian and Missionary Alli | 609-625-2692 | 6155 Harding Hwy | Mays Landing | NJ | 08330 |
First Baptist Church | 609-909-0694 | 1326 Annapolis Ave | Mays Landing | NJ | 08330 |
First United Methodist Church of Mays | 609-625-9446 | 6011 Main St | Mays Landing | NJ | 08330 |
Lean on Me Agape Ministries Inc | 609-476-4100 | PO Box 864 | Mays Landing | NJ | 08330 |
Light of the World Community Churc | 609-625-9673 | 114 Route 50 | Mays Landing | NJ | 08330 |
Mays Landing Baptist Church | 609-909-1611 | 6192 Harding Hwy | Mays Landing | NJ | 08330 |
Mount Zion Baptist Church | 609-561-3210 | Jackson Rd | Mays Landing | NJ | 08330 |
New Creation Bible Class | 609-476-4600 | 6011 Estelle Ave | Mays Landing | NJ | 08330 |
New Mt Calvary Baptist Church | 609-476-3671 | 6755 Millville Rd | Mays Landing | NJ | 08330 |
Saint James Ame Church | 609-476-9831 | 6847 Millville Rd | Mays Landing | NJ | 08330 |
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