Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Englewood, NJ 07631
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Englewood NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethany Presbyterian Church | 201-567-4132 | 62 W Palisade Ave | Englewood | NJ | 07631 |
Christian Science Reading Rooms | 201-568-1221 | 75 Engle St | Englewood | NJ | 07631 |
Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic | 201-871-3310 | 135 Lafayette Pl | Englewood | NJ | 07631 |
Community Baptist Church | 201-568-6369 | 224 1st St | Englewood | NJ | 07631 |
Community Baptist Church | 201-816-7399 | 66 Lafayette Pl | Englewood | NJ | 07631 |
Ebenezer Baptist Church | 201-569-1156 | 216 4th St | Englewood | NJ | 07631 |
Englewood Baptist Church | 201-568-9355 | 314 Tenafly Rd | Englewood | NJ | 07631 |
First Baptist Church of Englewood Inc | 201-568-3410 | 351 W Englewood Ave | Englewood | NJ | 07631 |
First Baptist Church Ofenglewood Inc | 201-569-9328 | Northern | Englewood | NJ | 07631 |
First Presbyterian Church of Engle | 201-568-7373 | 150 E Palisade Ave | Englewood | NJ | 07631 |
First United Methodist Church | 201-568-1941 | Tenafly Rd & Demares | Englewood | NJ | 07631 |
Galilee United Methodist Churc | 201-567-0009 | 325 Genesee Ave | Englewood | NJ | 07631 |
Korean Community Church of Nj | 201-816-1284 | 147 Tenafly Rd | Englewood | NJ | 07631 |
Mount Olive Baptist Church | 201-569-5092 | 181 Warren St | Englewood | NJ | 07631 |
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