Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Bordentown, NJ 08505
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Bordentown NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Presbyterian Church | 609-298-9227 | US Highway 206 North | Bordentown | NJ | 08505 |
Divine Word Seminary | 609-298-0549 | 101 Park St | Bordentown | NJ | 08505 |
Fieldsboro United Methodist Churc | 609-291-9184 | 7 2nd St | Bordentown | NJ | 08505 |
First Baptist Church of Bordentown | 609-298-0805 | Prince & Church | Bordentown | NJ | 08505 |
First Presbyterian Church of Borde | 609-298-1243 | 420 Farnsworth Ave | Bordentown | NJ | 08505 |
Holy Cross Lutheran Pre School | 609-298-2880 | 280 Crosswicks Rd | Bordentown | NJ | 08505 |
Korean Presbyterian Church of Trent | 609-298-2461 | 147 US Highway 130 | Bordentown | NJ | 08505 |
Mount Zion Ame Church | 609-298-1398 | 36 E Burlington St | Bordentown | NJ | 08505 |
Providence Presbyterian Church | 609-499-2753 | 2087 Old York Rd | Bordentown | NJ | 08505 |
Shiloh Baptist Church | 609-298-0574 | Elizabeth | Bordentown | NJ | 08505 |
St Mary's Office of Religious Educa | 609-291-8281 | 45 Crosswicks St | Bordentown | NJ | 08505 |
Trinity United Methodist Churc | 609-298-0158 | Farnsworth Ave | Bordentown | NJ | 08505 |
Union Baptist Church | 609-298-2928 | 346 W Burlington St | Bordentown | NJ | 08505 |
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