Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Mount Holly, NJ 08060
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Mount Holly NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Broad St Baptist Church | 609-261-0041 | 300 Union St | Mount Holly | NJ | 08060 |
Christian Faith Assembly | 609-267-4436 | 810 Marne Hwy | Mount Holly | NJ | 08060 |
Easton Bible Church | 609-267-4755 | 2407 Fostertown Rd | Mount Holly | NJ | 08060 |
Faith Chapel Ame Zion Church | 609-261-6564 | 156 King St | Mount Holly | NJ | 08060 |
First Baptist Church of Mount Holly | 609-267-1841 | 1341 Woodlane Rd | Mount Holly | NJ | 08060 |
First Presbyterian Church | 609-267-0330 | 125 Garden St | Mount Holly | NJ | 08060 |
First United Methodist Church | 609-267-9055 | 25 Brainerd St | Mount Holly | NJ | 08060 |
Gospel of Christ Ministries Inc | 609-265-9588 | 174 Washington St | Mount Holly | NJ | 08060 |
Jericho Ministries | 609-261-2045 | 35 Garden St | Mount Holly | NJ | 08060 |
Joshua Presbyterian Church | 609-518-7370 | 1326 Monmouth Rd | Mount Holly | NJ | 08060 |
Mount Holly Friends Meeting | 609-261-7575 | 81 High St | Mount Holly | NJ | 08060 |
Mt Moriah A M E Church | 609-267-8088 | 212 Washington St | Mount Holly | NJ | 08060 |
Sacred Heart Church Mount Holly | 609-267-9877 | 250 High St | Mount Holly | NJ | 08060 |
Sacred Heart Church Mount Holly | 609-261-5350 | Mount Holly Byp | Mount Holly | NJ | 08060 |
Second Baptist Church | 609-267-4732 | 306 Washington St | Mount Holly | NJ | 08060 |
Smithville United Methodist Churc | 609-261-1626 | 719 Smithville Rd | Mount Holly | NJ | 08060 |
St Paul United Methodist Churc | 609-267-8235 | 244 Washington St | Mount Holly | NJ | 08060 |
St Paul's Lutheran Church E L C A | 609-267-0740 | 910 Marne Hwy | Mount Holly | NJ | 08060 |
True Church of Christ of the Ligd of | 609-267-7044 | 1333 Monmouth Rd | Mount Holly | NJ | 08060 |
Word Alive Christian Center | 609-261-7500 | 1427 Woodlane Rd | Mount Holly | NJ | 08060 |
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