Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Camden, NJ 08103
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Camden NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baptist Temple Church | 856-365-3177 | 1029 S 4th St | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Broadway United Methodist Churc | 856-964-7445 | 507 S Broadway | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Chestnut Street U A M E Church | 856-365-8374 | 722 Chestnut St | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Church of God & Saints of Christ Taber | 856-963-4589 | 1189 Haddon Ave | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Community Center | 856-365-5295 | 278 Kaighns Ave | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Faith Baptist Church | 856-541-4774 | 502 S Broadway | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Faith Chapel | 856-365-1153 | 1182 Kaighns Ave | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
First Church of Deliverance | 856-964-3810 | 1117 S Broadway | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 856-365-9414 | 1002 S 8th St | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Little Rock Baptist Church | 856-757-0440 | 1210 Kenwood Ave | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Macedonia A M E Church | 856-365-3840 | 261 Spruce St | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Mount Zion Highway of Holiness | 856-365-0098 | 295 Chestnut St | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Mt Olive C M E Church | 856-541-3005 | 749 Sycamore St | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
New Mickle Baptist Church | 856-365-1107 | 416 S 4th St | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
New Pilgrim Baptist Church | 856-757-9494 | 1030 S 5th St | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Parkside United Methodist Churc | 856-964-2254 | 1420 Kaighns Ave | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Refuge Community Outreach Center | 856-964-1400 | 1109 Kaighns Ave | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Revival Hill Abundant Life Center | 856-964-8100 | 1140 Kaighns Ave | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Shalom Baptist Church | 856-541-9666 | 1036 S Broadway | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Sincerity & Truth Bible Church | 856-541-5974 | 427 Kaighns Ave | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
St James Apostolic Temple | 856-964-5443 | 938 S Broadway | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
St Luke's Church | 856-964-1918 | 821 S 8th St | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Sword of the Spirit Christian Cente | 856-342-7729 | 1237 Kaighns Ave | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
United House of Prayer | 856-964-1710 | 915 S Broadway | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
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