Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Clementon, NJ 08021
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Clementon NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethany Baptist Church | 856-784-2220 | 1115 E Gibbsboro Rd | Clementon | NJ | 08021 |
Bible Baptist Church of Christ | 856-783-5800 | 1000 Laurel Rd | Clementon | NJ | 08021 |
Cedar Lane Missionary Homes Inc | 856-783-6525 | 103 Cedar Ln | Clementon | NJ | 08021 |
First Baptist Church of Blackwood | 856-228-0020 | 899 Little Gloucester Rd | Clementon | NJ | 08021 |
Hope Chapel | 856-784-7999 | 28 E Branch Ave | Clementon | NJ | 08021 |
Keys To Life Ministries | 856-346-4413 | 1387 Blackwood Clementon | Clementon | NJ | 08021 |
Laurel Springs Baptist Church | 856-784-6565 | Madison Avenue & Arc | Clementon | NJ | 08021 |
Memorial United Methodist Churc | 856-435-8503 | 260 Erial Rd | Clementon | NJ | 08021 |
New Jerusalem Temple of the Living God | 856-627-8588 | Area | Clementon | NJ | 08021 |
St Lawrence St Vincent De Paul Society | 856-627-8824 | 201 N White Horse Pike | Clementon | NJ | 08021 |
St Marks A M E Church | 856-783-5063 | 929 Walnut Ave | Clementon | NJ | 08021 |
St Mary's Ministry Center | 856-435-1004 | 49 Berlin Rd | Clementon | NJ | 08021 |
St Paul's Presbyterian Church | 856-783-1839 | 433 Park Ave | Clementon | NJ | 08021 |
The Good Shepherd Luthern Church | 856-784-2214 | 120 Avenue | Clementon | NJ | 08021 |
White Oak Baptist Church | 856-784-6392 | E Maple Ave | Clementon | NJ | 08021 |
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