Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Collingswood, NJ 08108
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Collingswood NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bible for Today Baptist Church | 856-854-4747 | 900 Park Ave | Collingswood | NJ | 08108 |
Bible Presbyterian Church | 856-858-7175 | 1115 Haddon Ave | Collingswood | NJ | 08108 |
Church of Christ | 856-541-1556 | 2 Garfield Ave # 7THH | Collingswood | NJ | 08108 |
Collingswood Church of Christ | 856-854-0197 | 300 White Horse Park | Collingswood | NJ | 08108 |
Collingswood Methodist the First | 856-858-1186 | 201 Dayton Ave | Collingswood | NJ | 08108 |
Collingswood Presbyterian Ch | 856-854-4523 | Fern & Maple Ave | Collingswood | NJ | 08108 |
Embury United Methodist | 856-854-2980 | 1 W Wayne Ter | Collingswood | NJ | 08108 |
First Baptist Church of Collingswood | 856-854-1540 | 23 Frazer Ave | Collingswood | NJ | 08108 |
Grace Baptist Church | 856-854-5573 | 23 Reeves Ave | Collingswood | NJ | 08108 |
Immanuel Orthodox Presbyterian Ch | 856-854-8323 | Elm Avenue & Calvert | Collingswood | NJ | 08108 |
St Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church | 856-854-0860 | 832 Park Ave | Collingswood | NJ | 08108 |
United Methodist Home | 856-854-9765 | Haddon Ave | Collingswood | NJ | 08108 |
Westmont United Methodist Churc | 856-854-4916 | 200 Emerald Ave | Collingswood | NJ | 08108 |
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