Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Pennsauken, NJ 08109
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Pennsauken NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Asbury United Methodist Church | 856-662-2375 | 212 N Centre St | Pennsauken | NJ | 08109 |
Asbury United Methodist Church Educatio | 856-488-8275 | 177 S Centre St | Pennsauken | NJ | 08109 |
Bethel Ame Church | 856-665-0419 | 8216 Park Ave | Pennsauken | NJ | 08109 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 856-663-9383 | 22 Spruce St | Pennsauken | NJ | 08109 |
Christ's Bible Church | 856-665-4494 | 3465 Haddonfield Rd | Pennsauken | NJ | 08109 |
East Pennsauken United Methodist Churc | 856-663-1311 | 3700 Haddonfield Rd | Pennsauken | NJ | 08109 |
First Presbyterian Church of Merch | 856-662-6252 | 10 W Maple Ave | Pennsauken | NJ | 08109 |
Good News Baptist Church | 856-661-1917 | 4101 Marlton Pike | Pennsauken | NJ | 08109 |
Martin Luther Chapel Missouri Synod | 856-665-0116 | 4100 Terrace Ave | Pennsauken | NJ | 08109 |
Pallottine Fathers & Brothers Vocati | 856-486-0844 | 5552 Marlton Pike | Pennsauken | NJ | 08109 |
Pennsauken United Methodist Churc | 856-662-0341 | 3541 Pennsylvania Ave | Pennsauken | NJ | 08109 |
Seed of Life Ministries | 856-317-9950 | 2620 Rockafellow Ave | Pennsauken | NJ | 08109 |
Temple Lutheran Church | 856-663-7783 | 5600 S Crescent Blvd | Pennsauken | NJ | 08109 |
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