Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Pennsauken, NJ 08110
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Pennsauken NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel United Methodist Church | 856-963-1481 | 314 N 39th St | Pennsauken | NJ | 08110 |
Calvary Community Baptist Church | 856-665-1030 | 1706 Merchantville Ave | Pennsauken | NJ | 08110 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 856-663-3795 | Harding Rd & Myrtle | Pennsauken | NJ | 08110 |
First Baptist Church of Delair | 856-662-7239 | 7569 Romeo Ave | Pennsauken | NJ | 08110 |
First Spanish Baptist Church Inc | 856-663-3620 | 6629 Chandler Ave | Pennsauken | NJ | 08110 |
Gatekeepers Fellowship Church | 856-910-2810 | 3600 Earle St | Pennsauken | NJ | 08110 |
Judah Community Fellowship Chur | 856-662-4949 | 6815 Woodland Ave | Pennsauken | NJ | 08110 |
New Beginnings | 856-665-8381 | 3014 Marlton Pike | Pennsauken | NJ | 08110 |
New Philippian Baptist Church | 856-662-6622 | 6615 Chandler Ave | Pennsauken | NJ | 08110 |
Special Momments | 856-665-4766 | 3913 Marlton Pike | Pennsauken | NJ | 08110 |
St John's Baptist Church | 856-910-9070 | 2323 Merchantville Ave | Pennsauken | NJ | 08110 |
St Matthew's United Methodist Churc | 856-662-3610 | 1665 Derousse Ave | Pennsauken | NJ | 08110 |
Urban Promise Ministries | 856-661-1700 | 3700 Rudderow St | Pennsauken | NJ | 08110 |
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