Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Camden, NJ 08103
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Camden NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aids Coalition Positively Nutr | 856-338-1650 | 1466 Crestmont Ave | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Bright Star Christian Center | 856-757-9097 | 434 Spruce St | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Camden County Oeo Urban Women's Center | 856-365-8989 | 902 S Broadway | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Fair Share Housing Development Inc | 856-541-9609 | 738A Washington St | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
National Association for Advancement | 856-342-8862 | 1123 Kaighns Ave | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
New Visions Community Services of Cam | 856-963-0857 | 523 Stevens St | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Planned Parenthood Center & Clinic | 856-365-3519 | 317 S Broadway | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Puerto Rican Unity for Progress Mltple | 856-541-1418 | 425 S Broadway | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Ronald McDonald House | 856-966-4663 | 550 Mickle Blvd | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Salvation Army | 856-338-1700 | 915 Haddon Ave | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
United Way of Camden County | 856-963-2720 | 196 Newton Ave | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Universal Field Svcs Inc | 856-964-4772 | 415 Federal St | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
Volunteers of America Delaware Valley | 856-963-0430 | 408 Line St | Camden | NJ | 08103 |
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