Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Wildwood, NJ 08260
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Wildwood NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Angel Visit Baptist Church | 609-522-0056 | 435 W Garfield Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Boardwalk Chapel | 609-522-2307 | 4312 Boardwalk | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Calvary Orthodox Presbyterian Ch | 609-522-5467 | 119 E Rio Grande Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Central Bible Church | 609-522-5917 | 18th Avenue & Cntrl | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Crest Community Church | 609-522-1618 | 5901 Pacific Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Crest United Methodist Church | 609-729-4265 | 6700 Atlantic Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Eureka Baptist Church | 609-522-1028 | 142 W Spencer Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
First Baptist Church of Anglesea | 609-522-2951 | 303 Atlantic Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
First Baptist Church of Wildwood | 609-522-2981 | 230 E Maple Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
First Presbyterian Church | 609-522-1244 | 4511 Pacific Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
North Wildwood United Methodist Churc | 609-522-2271 | 2nd & Central Avs | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Sisters of St Joseph | 609-522-5721 | 119 E Glenwood Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
St Simeon's by the Sea Episcopal Churc | 609-522-8389 | 2502 Central Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
The Carpenter's Shop | 609-523-1444 | 4505 Park Blvd | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
West Wildwood Bible Church | 609-523-8863 | 9 Neptune Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
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