Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Wildwood, NJ 08260
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Wildwood NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Acapulco Restaurant | 609-729-1880 | 4705 Pacific Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Adventurer Ocean Front Restaurant | 609-522-0444 | Morning Glry Avenue | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Anglesea Pub | 609-729-1133 | 116 W 1st Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Athens Restaurant | 609-522-9516 | 25th Avenue & Atlant | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
B & B Boardwalk Pub | 609-523-8515 | 2510 Boardwalk | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Bandanas Ice Cream & Coffee Bar | 609-522-5735 | 5607 Atlantic Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Beach Creek Oyster Bar & Grille | 609-522-1062 | 500 W Hand Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Beau Rivage Cafe | 609-522-1061 | 9103 Atlantic Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Big River Fish Company | 609-846-1099 | 300 W Spruce Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Blue Olive Restaurant & Martini Bar | 609-522-7747 | Atlantic & Schelleng | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Boathouse Restaurant and Marina Deck | 609-729-5301 | 506 W Rio Grande Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Bolero Resort & Conference Cent | 609-522-0303 | 3320 Atlantic Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Casba Comedy Club | 609-522-8444 | Atlantic Avenue & Sp | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Claude's Restaurant & Take Out | 609-522-0400 | 100 Olde New Jersey Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Crab House Restaurant | 609-522-1341 | Ocean Dr | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Crusader Coffee Shop | 609-522-9303 | 6101 Ocean Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Doo Wop Diner | 609-522-7880 | 4010 Boardwalk | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Dragon House | 609-522-2320 | 3616 Pacific Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Duffer's Challenge | 609-729-1817 | Hildreth & Pacific A | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Duffy's on the Lake Restaurant | 609-522-1815 | Farragut Rd & New Je | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Fish Factory The | 609-522-9582 | 8606 New Jersey Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Giovanna's Goodies | 609-729-3131 | 2416 Boardwalk | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Groff's Restaurant | 609-522-5474 | 423 E Magnolia Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Harry's Corner | 609-729-7091 | 3420 Boardwalk | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Hawaiian Rumble Pancake House & Miniatu | 609-522-2449 | 25th & Surf Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Hot Spot | 609-522-0034 | 3401 Boardwalk | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Hot Spot 4 | 609-522-9777 | 3816 Boardwalk | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Hot Spot No 2 | 609-729-9009 | 2308 Boardwalk | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Jamaica Me Hungry | 609-522-2311 | 9501 Atlantic Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 609-522-3055 | 517 W Rio Grande Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Larkin's Restaurant | 609-522-4554 | 26th Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Lighthouse Pointe Restaurant & Ba | 609-522-7447 | 5101 Shawcrest Rd | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Mama Leone's II | 609-522-1999 | 2720 Boardwalk | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Maui's Dog House | 609-846-0444 | 806 New Jersey Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
McDonald's Family Restaurant | 609-522-4470 | 4900 Park Blvd | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
McDonald's Family Restaurant | 609-522-1011 | 130 W Spruce Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Michael's Restaurant & Bar | 609-523-0099 | 4601 New Jersey Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Mom's Spaghetti House | 609-729-2055 | 4000 Boardwalk | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Mulligan's Sports Bar & Grill | 609-522-4883 | 310 W Hildreth Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Ocean Reef Restaurant | 609-729-7888 | 119 W Spruce Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Oliver's Pancake House & Family Restau | 609-522-5506 | 4900 Pacific Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Olympic Flame Restaurant | 609-522-2202 | 4100 Boardwalk | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Olympic Restaurant | 609-729-5050 | 6401 Ocean Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Owen's Pub | 609-729-7290 | 119 E 17th Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Pacific Grill | 609-523-1800 | 4801 Pacific Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Pier 6600 Motor Inn | 609-729-6600 | 9701 Atlantic Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Pierre's Restaurant | 609-523-6475 | 2810 Boardwalk | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Piro's Village Restaurant | 609-729-0401 | 1901 New York Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Pompeo's Restaurant | 609-522-7029 | 17th Avenue & Boardw | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Poplar Cafe | 609-729-3861 | 2708 Pacific Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Port Royal Restaurant | 609-729-2211 | Palm Rd & Beach | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Ravioli House | 609-522-7894 | 102 E Bennett Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Reges Cafe | 609-846-1212 | 9201 Atlantic Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Rick's Seafood House | 609-729-9443 | 435 W Spruce Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Route 66 | 609-523-6466 | 2700 Boardwalk | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Russo's Restaurant & Bar | 609-522-7038 | 4415 Park Blvd | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Rusty Rudder Restaurant The | 609-522-3085 | 3400 Atlantic Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Samuel's Pancake House and the & Cndy | 609-522-6446 | 17th & Surf Aves | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Sand Castle Restaurant | 609-522-6749 | 7400 Ocean Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Schellenger's Restaurant | 609-522-0433 | 3516 Atlantic Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Star Diner Cafe | 609-729-4900 | 325 W Spruce Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Subway Sandwich Shop | 609-729-1155 | 310 E Rio Grande Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Sunset Bay Restaurant | 609-523-0411 | 400 W Spruce Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Tony's Island Cafe Family Restaura | 609-522-8842 | 233 W 26th Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Tuckers Pub | 609-846-1110 | 3301 Atlantic Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Uncle Bill's Pancake House | 609-729-7557 | 4601 Pacific Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Vegas Diner & Restaurant | 609-729-5511 | 14th & New Jersy Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Westy's Irish Pub | 609-522-4991 | 101 E Walnut Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
Wharf The | 609-522-6336 | 708 W Burk Ave | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
White Dolphin Restaurant | 609-522-4006 | 4206 Boardwalk | Wildwood | NJ | 08260 |
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