Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Vineland, NJ 08360
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Vineland NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adult Training Center | 856-696-8772 | 82 W Landis Ave | Vineland | NJ | 08360 |
Allied Jewish Appeal | 856-696-4445 | 1063 E Landis Ave | Vineland | NJ | 08360 |
American Red Cross | 856-691-2265 | 724 E Plum St | Vineland | NJ | 08360 |
Arc of Cumberland County | 856-691-9138 | 1680 W Sherman Ave | Vineland | NJ | 08360 |
Casa Prac Inc | 856-692-2331 | 800 E Chestnut Ave | Vineland | NJ | 08360 |
Catholic Daughters of the America's | 856-563-0211 | 1049 E Chestnut Ave | Vineland | NJ | 08360 |
Catholic Social Services | 856-691-1841 | 810 E Montrose St | Vineland | NJ | 08360 |
Cumberland County Board of Social Servi | 856-691-4600 | 13 N East Blvd | Vineland | NJ | 08360 |
M L King Outreach & Development Cor | 856-692-6012 | 633 E Elmer St | Vineland | NJ | 08360 |
New Horizons Help Line | 856-696-8921 | 739 E Wood St | Vineland | NJ | 08360 |
Nutrition Project Vineland | 856-692-8289 | 191 W Chestnut Ave Ofc | Vineland | NJ | 08360 |
Salvation Army | 856-696-5050 | 733 E Chestnut Ave | Vineland | NJ | 08360 |
Tri-County Wic Vineland | 856-691-1155 | 123 W Landis Ave | Vineland | NJ | 08360 |
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