Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Bloomfield, NJ 07003
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Bloomfield NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethany United Presbyterian Ch | 973-338-8735 | 293 W Passaic Ave | Bloomfield | NJ | 07003 |
Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on the G | 973-743-1796 | 147 Broad St | Bloomfield | NJ | 07003 |
Brookdale Baptist Church | 973-338-4426 | Broad & Mountain Ave | Bloomfield | NJ | 07003 |
Brookdale Baptist Church | 973-338-6043 | 1341 Broad St | Bloomfield | NJ | 07003 |
Christian Bible Center & Institute | 973-748-0090 | 430 Franklin St | Bloomfield | NJ | 07003 |
First Baptist Church | 973-743-2400 | 1 Washington St | Bloomfield | NJ | 07003 |
Korean United Presbyterian Ch | 973-743-5455 | 27 Bay Ave | Bloomfield | NJ | 07003 |
New Life Christian Church | 973-566-0103 | 12 Prospect St | Bloomfield | NJ | 07003 |
New Light Baptist Church | 973-338-5888 | 91 Dewey St | Bloomfield | NJ | 07003 |
Park United Methodist Church | 973-429-7745 | 120 Broad St | Bloomfield | NJ | 07003 |
St John's Lutheran Church of Bloom | 973-429-8654 | 216 Liberty St | Bloomfield | NJ | 07003 |
Union Baptist Church | 973-743-6865 | 21 Conger St | Bloomfield | NJ | 07003 |
Watchung Presbyterian Church | 973-338-4050 | 375 Watchung Ave | Bloomfield | NJ | 07003 |
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