Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in East Orange, NJ 07017
* Each listing below of Churches Information for East Orange NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Haitian Baptist Church | 973-673-2216 | 320 Springdale Ave | East Orange | NJ | 07017 |
Bethel Presbyterian Church | 973-676-7089 | Midland Avenue & Dod | East Orange | NJ | 07017 |
Brighton Av Bible Chapel Inc | 973-678-0383 | 288 Brighton Ave | East Orange | NJ | 07017 |
Central Brick Presbyterian Ch | 973-673-1904 | 7 Prospect St | East Orange | NJ | 07017 |
Christ Resurrection Missionary Bapt | 973-672-3636 | 30 N Clinton St | East Orange | NJ | 07017 |
Church of Christ | 973-675-3585 | 18 Ridgewood Ave | East Orange | NJ | 07017 |
Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic | 973-672-4352 | 227 N 18th St | East Orange | NJ | 07017 |
Faith Temple No 1 Original Freewi | 973-673-6435 | Main & Halsted | East Orange | NJ | 07017 |
Gospel Plus Ministries Inc | 973-674-5546 | 352 N Maple Ave | East Orange | NJ | 07017 |
Grace Uame Church | 973-677-0989 | 450 N Maple Ave | East Orange | NJ | 07017 |
Greater Cornerstone Baptist Church | 973-414-0422 | 237 N 18th St | East Orange | NJ | 07017 |
Green Pasture Baptist Church | 973-678-4370 | 50 N Maple Ave | East Orange | NJ | 07017 |
Harambee Family Academy | 973-675-5000 | 60 Glenwood Ave | East Orange | NJ | 07017 |
Holy Temple Community Deliverance Cen | 973-266-9566 | 172 N 14th St | East Orange | NJ | 07017 |
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church | 973-678-1484 | 153 Glenwood Ave | East Orange | NJ | 07017 |
Islamic Center of East Orange | 973-672-6690 | 215 N Oraton Pkwy | East Orange | NJ | 07017 |
Mount Olive Baptist Church | 973-673-3321 | 11 Ashland Ave | East Orange | NJ | 07017 |
New Hope Baptist Church of East Orange | 973-678-6710 | 136 Norman St | East Orange | NJ | 07017 |
New Vision Full Gospel Baptist | 973-672-5211 | 209 4th Ave | East Orange | NJ | 07017 |
Park Avenue St John's United Methodis | 973-673-7244 | 230 Park Ave | East Orange | NJ | 07017 |
St Mark Ame Church | 973-674-5859 | 587 Springdale Ave | East Orange | NJ | 07017 |
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