Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in East Orange, NJ 07018
* Each listing below of Churches Information for East Orange NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Baptist Church | 973-676-6467 | 66 S Grove St | East Orange | NJ | 07018 |
Calvary Roseville United Methodis | 973-673-1745 | 400 Main St | East Orange | NJ | 07018 |
Church at the Crossroads | 973-673-2111 | 10 S Oraton Pkwy | East Orange | NJ | 07018 |
Church of Light | 973-673-9623 | 115 Rhode Island Ave | East Orange | NJ | 07018 |
Divinity Baptist General Office | 973-414-0643 | 227 Tremont Ave | East Orange | NJ | 07018 |
Elmwood United Presbyterian Ch | 973-675-9515 | 135 Elmwood Ave | East Orange | NJ | 07018 |
Grace Apostolic Church | 973-674-5900 | 9 S Munn Ave | East Orange | NJ | 07018 |
Imani Baptist Church of Christ | 973-678-7222 | 113 Elmwood Ave | East Orange | NJ | 07018 |
Indonesian Presbyterian Church USA | 973-672-4055 | 30 Park End Pl | East Orange | NJ | 07018 |
Messiah Baptist Church | 973-676-7374 | 13 Oak St | East Orange | NJ | 07018 |
New Ephesus Baptist Church | 973-673-4646 | 175 Brookwood St | East Orange | NJ | 07018 |
Peaceful Zion Baptist Church | 973-674-4048 | 209 Rhode Island Ave | East Orange | NJ | 07018 |
St Paul A M E Church | 973-677-1797 | 15 Sanford St | East Orange | NJ | 07018 |
United Missionary Baptist Church | 973-677-0995 | 228 S Harrison St | East Orange | NJ | 07018 |
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