Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Newark, NJ 07105
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Newark NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Church of the Lord Jesus | 973-589-4412 | 90 Union St | Newark | NJ | 07105 |
Community Christian Church | 973-465-2205 | 45 McWhorter St | Newark | NJ | 07105 |
Free Methodist Portuguese Chur | 973-589-8305 | 36 Van Buren St | Newark | NJ | 07105 |
Legion of Good Will | 973-344-5338 | 20 Calumet St | Newark | NJ | 07105 |
Maranatha Fellowship Church | 973-274-9884 | 97 Saint Francis St | Newark | NJ | 07105 |
Missionary Christian Church Affd Wth | 973-589-2104 | 242 Jefferson St | Newark | NJ | 07105 |
Mt Carmel Guild-Icms | 973-522-2100 | 273 Oliver St | Newark | NJ | 07105 |
Our Lady of Mt Carmel Roman Catholic | 973-589-2090 | 259 Oliver St | Newark | NJ | 07105 |
Randall Chapel Unified Freewill Baptis | 973-589-7891 | 115 Oliver St | Newark | NJ | 07105 |
St Paul's Presbyterian Church | 973-589-3624 | 117 Union St | Newark | NJ | 07105 |
Third Penticostal Church | 973-465-5333 | 4 Fleming Ave | Newark | NJ | 07105 |
Universal Church | 973-344-6044 | 51 Saint Francis St | Newark | NJ | 07105 |
Wolff Memorial Presbyterian Ch | 973-589-7339 | 106 Ann St | Newark | NJ | 07105 |
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