Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Montclair, NJ 07042
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Montclair NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Red Cross | 973-744-2091 | 63 Park St | Montclair | NJ | 07042 |
Appearances | 973-509-2888 | 146 Bloomfield Ave | Montclair | NJ | 07042 |
Center for Low Cost Psychotherapy | 973-509-9777 | 33 S Fullerton Ave | Montclair | NJ | 07042 |
Chr Ill Visiting Nurses Inc | 973-509-9870 | 60 S Fullerton Ave | Montclair | NJ | 07042 |
Cope Counseling Center in Montclair | 973-783-6655 | 104 Bloomfield Ave | Montclair | NJ | 07042 |
First Call for Help | 973-746-4040 | 60 S Fullerton Ave Ste 205 | Montclair | NJ | 07042 |
Homes of Montclair Ecumenical Corp | 973-744-4141 | 1 Woodland Ave | Montclair | NJ | 07042 |
Human Needs Food Pantry | 973-746-4669 | 9 Label St | Montclair | NJ | 07042 |
Life Management Inc | 973-655-0300 | 77 Park St Ste 2 | Montclair | NJ | 07042 |
Salvation Army | 973-509-2963 | 26 Park St Ste 3 | Montclair | NJ | 07042 |
Salvation Army | 973-744-3312 | 13 Trinity Pl | Montclair | NJ | 07042 |
Ycs Specialized Treatment Homes | 973-744-8334 | 73 S Fullerton Ave | Montclair | NJ | 07042 |
Youth Consultation Service | 973-509-0272 | 1 Sutherland Rd | Montclair | NJ | 07042 |
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