Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Perth Amboy, NJ 08861
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Perth Amboy NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Andrea's Salon | 732-324-7747 | 304 Elm St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Batista Place Beauty Salon | 732-442-8452 | 142 New Brunswick Ave | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Birmania's Salon | 732-442-5037 | 188 Smith St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Celina Beauty Salon | 732-826-9111 | 163 New Brunswick Ave | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Christina Unisex Salon | 732-442-6866 | 390 State St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Classic Corner Hair Salon | 732-442-0056 | 148 Smith St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Creative Hair Designs | 732-376-0111 | 319 Smith St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
D'elegance Hair Salon | 732-442-8700 | 91 Smith St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Donia's Beauty Salon | 732-442-1402 | 352 Stanford St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Esentuals Hair Designers | 732-442-2112 | 238 Smith St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Felix's Salon | 732-324-1628 | 278 Madison Ave | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Fernando's Unisex Hairstyling | 732-324-0283 | 639 Amboy Ave | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Francis Beauty Salon Multiservice | 732-324-0012 | 290 Smith St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Genesis Beauty Spa | 732-697-0444 | 379 Smith St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Glamour Girl Hair Fashions Inc | 732-442-9196 | 348 Washington St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Glow Unisex Inc | 732-442-2656 | 494 Amboy Ave | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Golden Scissors | 732-324-9500 | 393 Smith St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Image Salon | 732-442-5024 | 339 Smith St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Ingrid Beauty Salon | 732-826-4575 | 121 Market St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Judy's Super Sheer | 732-826-9188 | 181 Smith St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
La Car Beauty Salon | 732-826-0286 | 340 Market St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Lourdes & Naim Unisex Salon | 732-324-6444 | 447 Amboy Ave | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Lourdes Beauty Salon | 732-826-0076 | 279 New Brunswick Ave | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Mega Salon | 732-826-8042 | 290 Madison Ave | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Miguel Estilo Salon | 732-697-1991 | 157 Smith St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Modern Beauty Salon | 732-826-0020 | 553 Amboy Ave | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Nina International Beauty Salon | 732-697-9330 | 173 Hall Ave | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Nueva Mega Beauty Salon | 732-376-0404 | 225B Smith St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Richard's Beauty Shop | 732-826-5686 | 616 Raritan Ave | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Salon Los Divinos | 732-324-0060 | 428 State St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Sophisticated Styles | 732-324-4447 | 317 Madison Ave | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
State Plaza Inc | 732-324-5454 | 380 State St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Studio 41 Beauty Care Center | 732-826-3799 | 310 Smith St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Styles for Hair Unisex | 732-324-1188 | 724 State St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
The Master Scissors | 732-324-6224 | 563 Amboy Ave | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Wanda's Ultimate Unisex Salon | 732-826-7310 | 441 Amboy Ave | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
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