Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Perth Amboy, NJ 08861
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Perth Amboy NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Cathedral Community Counseling Cent | 732-826-5293 | Nj | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Church of Jesus Christ The | 732-826-7615 | 393 Florida Grove Rd | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Concord Missionary Baptist Church | 732-826-0877 | 795 State St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Faith Apostolic Ministries | 732-376-1711 | 310 Sutton St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Faith Deliverance Family Worshitr | 732-826-4212 | 337 Herbert St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
First Presbyterian Church of Perth | 732-826-2132 | 45 Market St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
John Calvin Magyar Reformed Church | 732-826-3513 | 493 Amboy Ave | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Most Holy Rosary Church | 732-826-2771 | 625 Florida Grove Rd | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima | 732-826-4350 | 188 Wayne St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Perth Amboy Second Baptist Church | 732-826-2342 | 277 Madison Ave | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Second Baptist Church Mercyhouse | 732-826-7009 | 282 McClellan St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Shalom International Corp | 732-376-9100 | 1050 Amboy Ave | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Sharon Baptist Church | 732-293-0033 | 812 Harbortown Blvd | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
Simpson United Methodist Churc | 732-826-1992 | 331 High St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
St James A M E Zion Church | 732-826-1155 | 68 Commerce St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
St John's First Hungarian Luthe | 732-442-2522 | 662 Amboy Ave | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
World Worship Church | 732-324-7707 | 75 Smith St | Perth Amboy | NJ | 08861 |
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