Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in East Brunswick, NJ 08816
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for East Brunswick NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arbijon's Restaurant & Lounge | 732-828-6225 | 195 State Route 18 | East Brunswick | NJ | 08816 |
Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips | 732-257-0027 | 641 State Route 18 | East Brunswick | NJ | 08816 |
Baja Fresh Mexican Grill | 732-967-0505 | 683 State Route 18 | East Brunswick | NJ | 08816 |
Brunswick Grove | 732-254-0495 | 327 Milltown Rd | East Brunswick | NJ | 08816 |
Burger King | 732-238-9740 | State Highway 18 N | East Brunswick | NJ | 08816 |
Chili's | 732-238-7540 | 363 State Route 18 | East Brunswick | NJ | 08816 |
Colonial Diner | 732-254-4858 | 560 State Route 18 | East Brunswick | NJ | 08816 |
Denny's Restaurant | 732-238-4337 | 752 State Route 18 | East Brunswick | NJ | 08816 |
Ebkfc Inc | 732-254-0828 | C2 Brier Hill Ct | East Brunswick | NJ | 08816 |
Gavlan's Grill & Bar | 732-651-2737 | 1050 State Route 18 | East Brunswick | NJ | 08816 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken of East Brunswi | 732-238-9719 | 287 State Route 18 | East Brunswick | NJ | 08816 |
Linda's Diner & Restaurant | 732-251-6929 | 98 Main St | East Brunswick | NJ | 08816 |
Marriott Corp Shoppe No 154 | 732-254-4225 | Dunhams Corner Rd | East Brunswick | NJ | 08816 |
McDonald's of East Brunswick II | 732-257-6173 | 361 State Route 18 | East Brunswick | NJ | 08816 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 732-257-8383 | 730 State Route 18 | East Brunswick | NJ | 08816 |
Olive Garden Italian Restaurant | 732-651-8940 | 777 State Route 18 | East Brunswick | NJ | 08816 |
Perkins Family Restaurant | 732-698-1811 | 286 State Route 18 | East Brunswick | NJ | 08816 |
Red Lobster Restaurants | 732-238-4810 | 750 State Route 18 | East Brunswick | NJ | 08816 |
Seville Diner | 732-254-1125 | State Why 18 & Hills | East Brunswick | NJ | 08816 |
Stewarts Root Beer | 732-251-4030 | 59 Main St | East Brunswick | NJ | 08816 |
Sunny Palace | 732-651-8668 | 1069 State Route 18 | East Brunswick | NJ | 08816 |
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