Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Neptune, NJ 07753
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Neptune NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethesda Community Development Cor | 732-502-9222 | 32 State Route 35 N | Neptune | NJ | 07753 |
Bibleway Church of Christ | 732-988-8088 | 1928 Greenwood Ave | Neptune | NJ | 07753 |
Community Baptist Church | 732-775-5093 | 424 Lakewood Rd | Neptune | NJ | 07753 |
Good Samaritan Church | 732-775-1959 | 1812 Monroe Ave | Neptune | NJ | 07753 |
Hamilton United Methodist Churc | 732-922-2069 | 858 Old Corlies Ave | Neptune | NJ | 07753 |
Macedonia Baptist Church | 732-774-8238 | 1710 Columbus Ave | Neptune | NJ | 07753 |
Memorial United Methodist Churc | 732-776-6383 | 101 W Sylvania Ave | Neptune | NJ | 07753 |
Mt Carmel Baptist Church | 732-774-6771 | 296 Drummond Ave | Neptune | NJ | 07753 |
Presbyterian Church of Neptune Martin | 732-775-6622 | 15 Memorial Dr | Neptune | NJ | 07753 |
Redeemer Church-E L C A | 732-922-2757 | 3531 State Route 33 | Neptune | NJ | 07753 |
Union Baptist Church | 732-774-4104 | 2101 W Bangs Ave | Neptune | NJ | 07753 |
Unity Church by the Shore | 732-918-3395 | 3508 Asbury Ave | Neptune | NJ | 07753 |
West Grove United Methodist Churc | 732-774-6748 | Walnut & Corlies Ave | Neptune | NJ | 07753 |
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