Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Freehold, NJ 07728
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Freehold NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Court St School Edu Comm Ctr Inc | 732-303-8724 | 140 Court St | Freehold | NJ | 07728 |
Freehold Borough of | 732-761-2239 | 30 Dutch Lane Rd | Freehold | NJ | 07728 |
Freehold Borough of | 732-761-2102 | 280 Park Ave | Freehold | NJ | 07728 |
Freehold Regional High School District | 732-431-8360 | 65 Broadway | Freehold | NJ | 07728 |
Freehold Regional High School District | 732-431-8460 | 281 Elton Adelphia Rd | Freehold | NJ | 07728 |
Freehold Township Elementary Scho | 732-431-4430 | 275 Burlington Rd | Freehold | NJ | 07728 |
Freehold Township Elementary Scho | 732-431-3910 | 279 Burlington Rd | Freehold | NJ | 07728 |
Freehold Township Elementary Scho | 732-431-8022 | 271 Elton Adelphia Rd | Freehold | NJ | 07728 |
Freehold Township Elementary Scho | 732-431-5460 | 47 Jean Brennan Dr | Freehold | NJ | 07728 |
Freehold Township Elementary Scho | 732-431-4403 | 498 Stillwells Corner Rd | Freehold | NJ | 07728 |
Freehold Township Elementary Scho | 732-431-5101 | 510 Stillwells Corner Rd | Freehold | NJ | 07728 |
Freehold Township Elementary Scho | 732-431-3321 | 237 Stonehurst Blvd | Freehold | NJ | 07728 |
Freehold Township Elementary Scho | 732-462-8400 | 384 W Main St | Freehold | NJ | 07728 |
Howell Township of | 732-751-2487 | 130 Havens Bridge Rd | Freehold | NJ | 07728 |
Howell Twp Memorial Middle School | 732-751-0551 | 485 Adelphia Rd | Freehold | NJ | 07728 |
Monmouth County Vocational Scho | 732-431-3773 | 1000 Kozloski Rd | Freehold | NJ | 07728 |
Talmudical Academy of Central Nj | 732-431-1600 | Adelphia Farmingdale | Freehold | NJ | 07728 |
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