Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lakewood, NJ 08701
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lakewood NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Ame Church | 732-367-5213 | 18 Clifton Ave S | Lakewood | NJ | 08701 |
Catholic Charities | 732-363-3203 | 200 Monmouth Ave | Lakewood | NJ | 08701 |
Christ United Methodist Church of Lakew | 732-363-8885 | 678 5th St | Lakewood | NJ | 08701 |
Christian Missionary Church | 732-363-4016 | 220 E 7th St | Lakewood | NJ | 08701 |
Emmanuel Pentacostal Church & Semina | 732-364-7550 | 425 Warren St | Lakewood | NJ | 08701 |
First Baptist Church | 732-363-0885 | 1st & Clifton Ave | Lakewood | NJ | 08701 |
First Presbyterian Church | 732-363-1444 | 313 3rd St | Lakewood | NJ | 08701 |
Future Glory of Zion Church | 732-367-3823 | 204 2nd St | Lakewood | NJ | 08701 |
Hope Presbyterian Church | 732-364-8318 | 617 Hope Chapel Rd | Lakewood | NJ | 08701 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church | 732-363-1599 | 20 Monterey Cir | Lakewood | NJ | 08701 |
Intercessory Tabernacle Ministries | 732-905-7434 | 500 Arlington Ave | Lakewood | NJ | 08701 |
Lakewood Spanish Seventh Day Adv | 732-367-4585 | 1451 Pine St | Lakewood | NJ | 08701 |
Macedonia Baptist Church | 732-905-3878 | 143 John St | Lakewood | NJ | 08701 |
Missionary Pentecostal Church of God | 732-363-8129 | 155 E 4th St | Lakewood | NJ | 08701 |
Oorah Kiruv Rechokim Inc | 732-730-1000 | 421 W County Line Rd | Lakewood | NJ | 08701 |
Sixth Street Baptist Church | 732-370-9140 | 23 6th St | Lakewood | NJ | 08701 |
Sixth Street Baptist Church Inc | 732-363-1377 | 15 6th St | Lakewood | NJ | 08701 |
St John's A M E Zion Church | 732-364-4849 | 1st | Lakewood | NJ | 08701 |
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