Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Seaside Heights, NJ 08751
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Seaside Heights NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beach Comber Restaurant | 732-793-0526 | 28 Boardwalk | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
Beignet's Pub & Restaurant | 732-830-1255 | 612 Boulevard | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
Bobber's Family Restaurant | 732-830-2086 | 906 Boulevard | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
Buddy Holly's Place | 732-793-6100 | 1415 Boulevard | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
Cruisin of Seaside Heights | 732-854-9058 | 200 Boardwalk | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
Dentato's Steakhouse | 732-830-4142 | Sherman Avenue & Bor | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
Doggy Style on the Beach | 732-830-3134 | 1 Boulevard | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
Fat Cat Cafe | 732-854-1300 | 418 Boulevard | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
Golden Gate Express | 732-830-6699 | 1851 Route 35 N | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
Jimbo's Restaurant | 732-793-6774 | 715 Boardwalk | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
Klee's Bar & Grill | 732-830-1996 | 101 Boulevard | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
M & M Snack Bar | 732-830-7186 | Porter Ave | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
Marathon Steak | 732-793-0248 | 1003 Ocean Ter | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
Meatball City | 732-793-6634 | Grant Ave | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
Midway Steak House | 732-793-6617 | Webster Avenue & Bor | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
On Top of Spaghetti | 732-854-9400 | 701 Boulevard | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
Osaka at Docksider | 732-830-4422 | 1919 Bay Blvd | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
Rockafella's by the Sea Too | 732-793-2400 | 1855 Route 35 N | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
Sand Dollar Pancake House & Restaur | 732-830-2098 | 2001 Route 35 N | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
Seaside Steak House & Clam Bar | 732-793-3815 | Dupont Avenue & Ocn | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
Steaks Unlimited | 732-830-8830 | 21 Ocean Ter | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
Sunny Hunny by the Sea Restaurant & Pa | 732-793-3717 | 1907 Route 35 N | Seaside Heights | NJ | 08751 |
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