Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in North Haledon, NJ 07508
* Each listing below of Churches Information for North Haledon NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bridgeway Community Church | 973-595-6235 | 381 Haledon Ave | North Haledon | NJ | 07508 |
Catholic Campus Ministry Center | 973-595-6184 | 219 Pompton Rd | North Haledon | NJ | 07508 |
Cedar Cliff United Methodist Churc | 973-942-4713 | 18 Zabriskie St | North Haledon | NJ | 07508 |
Covenant Christian Reformed Church | 973-427-1418 | 400 N Haledon Ave | North Haledon | NJ | 07508 |
Eastern Christian Children's Retr | 973-427-8522 | 277 N Haledon Ave | North Haledon | NJ | 07508 |
Eastern Christian Childrens Retre | 973-942-9550 | 332 N 6th St | North Haledon | NJ | 07508 |
First Presbyterian Church of North | 973-423-1333 | 204 Squaw Brook Rd | North Haledon | NJ | 07508 |
Good Shepherd | 973-595-1906 | 266 N 7th St | North Haledon | NJ | 07508 |
Grace Bible Church | 973-427-4032 | 369 High Mountain Rd | North Haledon | NJ | 07508 |
Hope Community Church of New Jersey | 973-636-0901 | 21 Pleasantview Dr | North Haledon | NJ | 07508 |
Hsa-Uwc Kea | 973-636-0040 | 374 Squaw Brook Rd | North Haledon | NJ | 07508 |
St Paul's Religious Education Offic | 973-790-8135 | 286 Haledon Ave | North Haledon | NJ | 07508 |
Unity Christian Reformed Church | 973-595-8573 | 339 N 11th St | North Haledon | NJ | 07508 |
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