Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Paterson, NJ 07501
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Paterson NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel African Methodist Episc | 973-523-8658 | 6 Auburn St | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
Christian Fellowship Center & Om Inc | 973-742-4728 | 359 Van Houten St | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
Church of the Brothers United in Chris | 973-742-0930 | 262 Van Houten St | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
Douglas Roger L Rev | 973-279-4118 | 16 Bridge St | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 973-279-2580 | 253 River St | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
Exodus Baptist Church | 973-247-2323 | 176 12th Ave | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
First Ame Zion Church | 973-881-7758 | 326 Ellison St | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
Good Shepherd Baptist Church | 973-742-3611 | 135 Lafayette St | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
Grace & Restoration Fellowship | 973-684-4449 | 219 Carroll St | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
Grace Gospel Church | 973-742-0001 | 40 Pearl St | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
Greater Bible Way Church of Chris | 973-684-9870 | 20 Southard St | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
Holy House of Prayer Interdenominati | 973-742-9864 | 239 Carroll St | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
House of Faith Church of Christ | 973-523-9242 | 402 Summer St | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
Iglesia De Dios A D Inc | 973-278-6674 | 25 Chestnut St | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
James Leona Rev | 973-523-2674 | 80 Godwin Ave | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
Jehovah's Witnesses Paterson Congre | 973-278-1594 | 385 Broadway | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
Madison Avenue Baptist Church | 973-279-5800 | 900 Madison Ave | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
Mohammadia Islamic Assoc of Afgan | 973-742-3020 | 140 Marshall St | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church | 973-278-6546 | 187 Pearl St | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
New Ame Zion Church | 973-279-4490 | 153 Lawrence St | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
New Birth Baptist Church | 973-523-4968 | 62 Park Ave | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
New Shiloh Missionary Full Gospel Chu | 973-523-6743 | 209 Broadway | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
Saint Luke Baptist Church | 973-345-9160 | 128 Albert M Tyler Pl | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
Second Baptist Church | 973-345-0808 | 72 Albert M Tyler Pl | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
Solomon's Temple | 973-881-1413 | 153 Hamilton Ave | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
St Augustine Presbyterian Ch | 973-345-4810 | 159 Governor St | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
St Luke Baptist Church | 973-345-4309 | 145 Albert M Tyler Pl | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
United Presbyterian Church | 973-742-9755 | 375 Van Houten St | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
Westside United Methodist Churc | 973-684-5511 | 8 Barnes St | Paterson | NJ | 07501 |
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