Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Paterson, NJ 07522
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Paterson NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Camp Youth Development | 973-790-0887 | 12 N 1st St | Paterson | NJ | 07522 |
Christ Temple Baptist Church | 973-790-7600 | 38 Hopper St | Paterson | NJ | 07522 |
Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic | 973-956-0444 | 29 Haledon Ave | Paterson | NJ | 07522 |
Deliverance Holy Tabernacle | 973-595-1624 | 2 Barnert Pl | Paterson | NJ | 07522 |
Elim Missionary Church | 973-790-8823 | 12 N 5th St | Paterson | NJ | 07522 |
Gazaway Baptist Church | 973-790-5727 | 113 N Main St | Paterson | NJ | 07522 |
Grace Chapel Baptist Church | 973-956-0191 | 26 Haledon Ave | Paterson | NJ | 07522 |
Neighborhood Baptist Church | 973-790-3647 | 52 N 1st St | Paterson | NJ | 07522 |
Northside Community Chapel Christia | 973-595-5311 | 94 Jefferson St | Paterson | NJ | 07522 |
Prophetic Church of God | 973-942-5109 | 123 N 5th St | Paterson | NJ | 07522 |
Seminary Baptist Church | 973-595-7618 | 193 Haledon Ave | Paterson | NJ | 07522 |
Serenity Baptist Church | 973-595-1566 | 132 N 1st St | Paterson | NJ | 07522 |
St Philip's Ministry of the United Meth | 973-720-9127 | 9 N 1st St # 11 | Paterson | NJ | 07522 |
Universal Church The | 973-790-7729 | 86 Marion St | Paterson | NJ | 07522 |
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