Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Somerset, NJ 08873
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Somerset NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Chinese Christian Church | 732-249-4226 | 758 Hamilton St | Somerset | NJ | 08873 |
Chinese Christian Church | 732-249-7928 | 119 Matilda Ave | Somerset | NJ | 08873 |
Consolata Missionaries Gift Shop | 732-297-9191 | 2301 State Route 27 | Somerset | NJ | 08873 |
Dakshineswar Ramkrishna Sangha Adyapeet | 732-249-7077 | 1190 Easton Ave | Somerset | NJ | 08873 |
Emanuel Baptist Church | 732-545-5736 | 145 Warren St | Somerset | NJ | 08873 |
First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens | 732-828-2009 | 630 Franklin Blvd | Somerset | NJ | 08873 |
First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens | 732-828-2212 | 771 Somerset St | Somerset | NJ | 08873 |
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church | 732-873-2888 | 1640 Amwell Rd | Somerset | NJ | 08873 |
Iglesia Christiana Pentecostal | 732-745-1161 | 598 Hamilton St | Somerset | NJ | 08873 |
Islamic Propagtory Society Inc | 732-247-7277 | 122 Churchill Ave | Somerset | NJ | 08873 |
Mt Carmel Church | 732-846-8777 | 350 Franklin Blvd | Somerset | NJ | 08873 |
Rutgers Community Christian Churc | 732-469-0611 | 71 Cedar Grove Ln | Somerset | NJ | 08873 |
Somerset Baptist Church | 732-545-5169 | 9 Pershing Ave | Somerset | NJ | 08873 |
Somerset Bible Baptist Church | 732-805-9377 | 42 Cedar Grove Ln | Somerset | NJ | 08873 |
Somerset Presbyterian Church | 732-249-8674 | 100 John F Kennedy Blvd | Somerset | NJ | 08873 |
Ukrainian Cultural Center | 732-356-0090 | 135 Davidson Ave | Somerset | NJ | 08873 |
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