Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in Springfield, NJ 07081
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for Springfield NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Attorney at Law Shelley L Stangler | 973-379-2500 | 155 Morris Ave | Springfield | NJ | 07081 |
Avery John A Lawyer | 973-912-8700 | 675 Morris Ave | Springfield | NJ | 07081 |
Berger Sheldon Lawyer | 908-518-9040 | 150 Morris Ave | Springfield | NJ | 07081 |
Blau Cecilia W Esq | 973-467-2555 | 527 S Springfield Ave | Springfield | NJ | 07081 |
Blau Maura Esq | 908-598-0707 | 10 Green Hill Rd | Springfield | NJ | 07081 |
Breen Lisa Law Offices Llc | 973-467-7898 | 1 Cleveland Pl | Springfield | NJ | 07081 |
Brown H Harding Lawyer | 973-593-4900 | 505 Morris Ave | Springfield | NJ | 07081 |
Cappa Joseph T Esq | 973-376-2880 | 518 Mountain Ave | Springfield | NJ | 07081 |
Cohen Jared M Attorney at Law | 973-912-9099 | 959 S Springfield Ave | Springfield | NJ | 07081 |
D'alessio Anthony P Attorney at Law | 973-379-3560 | 8 Mountain Ave | Springfield | NJ | 07081 |
Doherty Christopher M Esq | 973-467-3700 | 80 Morris Ave | Springfield | NJ | 07081 |
Ferdinand Lane M Attorney | 973-467-1060 | 468 Morris Ave | Springfield | NJ | 07081 |
Gerard Kenneth G Attorney | 973-258-0001 | 212 Short Hills Ave | Springfield | NJ | 07081 |
Jaffe Robert H & Associates Pa | 973-467-2246 | 8 Mountain Ave Ste 1 | Springfield | NJ | 07081 |
Jardine Thomas V Lawyer | 973-467-1620 | 11 Cleveland Pl | Springfield | NJ | 07081 |
Kaplan Paula G Esq | 973-467-0080 | 55 Morris Ave Ste 202 | Springfield | NJ | 07081 |
Leonard & Leonard P A | 973-376-6500 | 155 Morris Ave Ste 102 | Springfield | NJ | 07081 |
Lesnik Leon Attorney at Law | 973-376-0473 | 57 Country Club Ln | Springfield | NJ | 07081 |
Lipstein Howard Lawyer | 973-376-2153 | 535 Morris Ave Ste 1 | Springfield | NJ | 07081 |
Rosenberg & Rosenberg | 973-467-1750 | 633 Morris Ave Ste 2 | Springfield | NJ | 07081 |
Sherman Max Lawyer | 973-379-6484 | 26 Linden Ave Ste 1 | Springfield | NJ | 07081 |
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