Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Elizabeth, NJ 07206
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Elizabeth NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Elizabethport Presbyterian Ce | 908-351-4850 | 184 1st St | Elizabeth | NJ | 07206 |
Glorious Hope Baptist Church | 908-289-1994 | 88 1st St | Elizabeth | NJ | 07206 |
Greystone Presbyterian Church | 908-355-5335 | 228 Elizabeth Ave | Elizabeth | NJ | 07206 |
Hermanos Unidos En Cristo De Eliza | 908-352-8109 | 109 Fulton St | Elizabeth | NJ | 07206 |
Iglesia Evangelica Ministerio De | 908-355-7255 | 163 3rd St | Elizabeth | NJ | 07206 |
Liberty Baptist Church | 908-354-3362 | 515 Court St | Elizabeth | NJ | 07206 |
Shelter Temple Apostolic Churc | 908-353-7260 | 70 S 2nd St | Elizabeth | NJ | 07206 |
St Peter & Paul Byzantine Catho | 908-353-7246 | 316 1st Ave | Elizabeth | NJ | 07206 |
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