Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Union, NJ 07083
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Union NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aenon Baptist Church | 908-687-3716 | 1500 Brown Ave | Union | NJ | 07083 |
Battle Hill Community Moravian Church | 908-686-5262 | 777 Liberty Ave | Union | NJ | 07083 |
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church | 908-686-0188 | 1359 Morris Ave | Union | NJ | 07083 |
Connecticut Farms Presbyterian Ch | 908-688-3164 | Stuyvesant Avenue | Union | NJ | 07083 |
Couples for Christ | 908-964-3200 | 1292 Stuyvesant Ave | Union | NJ | 07083 |
Crossroads Christian Fellowship | 908-687-9440 | 2815 Morris Ave | Union | NJ | 07083 |
Evangelical Baptist Church | 908-964-9575 | 1391 Liberty Ave | Union | NJ | 07083 |
First Baptist Church of Union | 908-688-4975 | 270 Colonial Ave | Union | NJ | 07083 |
Grace Lutheran Church | 908-686-3965 | 2222 Vauxhall Rd | Union | NJ | 07083 |
Hallelujah Christian Fellowship Chur | 908-686-3595 | 941 Caldwell Ave | Union | NJ | 07083 |
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church | 908-688-0714 | 301 Tucker Ave | Union | NJ | 07083 |
Love of Christ Church | 908-810-8814 | 1608 Porter Rd | Union | NJ | 07083 |
St Joseph's Rectory | 908-688-4929 | 1601 Andrew St | Union | NJ | 07083 |
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