Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Phillipsburg NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Clarion Hotel & Conference Cent | 908-454-9771 | 1314 US Highway 22 | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Delightfully Gourmet | 908-454-7200 | 21 Heckman St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Flynn's Catering | 908-454-0011 | 341 Pursel St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Flynn's Downtown | 908-454-5025 | 158 Mercer St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Frank's Trattoria | 908-454-8790 | 1250 US Highway 22 | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Hog Hollow Bar-B-Que | 908-454-4294 | 400 State Route 57 | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Kenneman's Pub | 908-475-5090 | 3231 Belvidere Rd | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 908-859-5652 | 591 Memorial Pkwy | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Patricia Carlin Catering | 908-387-9595 | 60 S Main St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Phillipsburg Deli | 908-454-4440 | 699 S Main St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Ryan's Parkside Restaurant | 908-454-6620 | 371 S Main St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
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