Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Hackettstown, NJ 07840
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Hackettstown NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beattystown Presbyterian Ch | 908-852-2838 | State Highway 57 & K | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Breakpoint Community Church | 908-852-6940 | 55 Newburgh Rd | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Calvary Assembly of God | 908-852-6093 | 450 Schooleys Mountain R | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Church of the Covenant | 908-850-8910 | 319 Blau Rd | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Drakestown Methodist Church | 908-852-4460 | 6 Church Rd | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Elevation of the Holy Cross Eastern O | 908-852-5611 | 909 County Road 517 | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
First Presbyterian Church | 908-852-4011 | 298 Main St | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Gethsemane Lutheran Church | 908-852-2156 | 409 E Baldwin St | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Hackettstown Baptist Church | 908-852-6577 | 916 County Road 517 | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
M & M Mars | 908-852-1000 | 800 High St | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Trinity Loving Care Playcenter | 908-813-3443 | 213 Main St | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
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