Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Phillipsburg NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Batchelder Douglas K Rev | 908-859-0134 | 300 Cromwell St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Calvary Bible Fellowship Chur | 908-454-8486 | 498 Schley Ave | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Calvary Community Church | 908-859-0019 | 2915 Belvidere Rd | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Carter W R | 908-454-1588 | 560 Tuttle St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Finesville United Methodist Churc | 908-995-0115 | 150 County Road 627 | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
First Baptist Church of Phillipsburg | 908-859-1230 | 810 Red School Ln | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Grace Baptist Church | 908-454-3131 | 330 S Main St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Grace Lutheran Church | 908-859-0884 | 300 Roseberry St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Harmony Presbyterian Church | 908-859-0355 | 2727 Belvidere Rd | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Phillipsburg Alliance Church | 908-859-5242 | 255 Lincoln St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Pilgrim Presbyterian Church | 908-859-1052 | 750 Belvidere Rd | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
River of Life Presbyterian | 908-213-1377 | 445 S Main St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Saint Mary Church | 908-454-0444 | 830 5th Ave | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Seventh Day Adventist Church | 908-454-3722 | Anderson St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
St James Lutheran Church | 908-454-2864 | 1213 US Highway 22 | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
St Philips & St James Rectory | 908-454-0112 | 430 S Main St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
United Presbyterian Church of Alpha | 908-454-2464 | 877 High St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Wesley United Methodist Church | 908-859-5725 | Miller & Potts Ave | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Westminster Presbyterian Ch | 908-859-6162 | 137 Chambers St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
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