Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Hackettstown, NJ 07840
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Hackettstown NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arby's Restaurant | 908-850-5025 | 1885 State Route 57 335 | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Burger King | 908-852-9669 | 227 Mountain Ave | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Charlie Brown's Steakhouse | 908-979-0446 | 109 Grand Ave | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Farmhouse The | 908-852-9390 | 444 Schooleys Mountain R | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Fujiyama Japenese Restaurant | 908-850-9400 | 1954 State Route 57 | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Hackettstown Dairy Queen | 908-852-6685 | 22 State Route 57 | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Hunan Wok | 908-852-8008 | 1965 State Route 57 | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
International House of Pancakes | 908-684-2315 | 200 Mountain Ave | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Jigger Shoppe The | 908-852-3080 | 190 Main St | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Ka Hing Kitchen | 908-852-6121 | 11 Crossroads Ctr | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Ken's Corner Cafe | 908-813-0625 | 186 Main St | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Laughing Lion | 908-852-2446 | 169 Main St | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Leo's Lunch Stand | 908-852-0198 | 270 Main St | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
River Star Diner | 908-979-0626 | 14 State Route 57 | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Smokehouse Barbecue | 908-850-6677 | 86 US Highway 46 | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Stardust Diner | 908-979-0300 | 28 US Highway 46 | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Subway | 908-684-9899 | Mansfield Plz | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Wendys | 908-850-3836 | 320 Mountain Ave | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
Yokohama Japanese Restaurant | 908-850-9100 | 455 US Highway 46 E | Hackettstown | NJ | 07840 |
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