Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Phillipsburg NJ should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Almond Tree Manor | 908-454-9394 | 319 E Central Ave | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Alpha Family Restaurant | 908-454-8871 | 1554 3rd Ave | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 908-454-8000 | 1323 US Highway 22 | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Brass Rail Inc | 908-859-9838 | 840 Belvidere Rd | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Burger King | 908-454-9033 | 725 Memorial Pkwy | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Burger King | 908-454-1721 | 1232 US Highway 22 | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Charlie Brown's Steakhouse | 908-387-9380 | 1603 Springtown Rd | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Cheng's Kitchen | 908-859-3700 | 823 3rd Ave | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Christophers Restaurant | 908-213-7010 | 165 S Main St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Cooper Home Systems | 908-859-6002 | 210 3rd Ave | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Delahanty's Tavern on the Square | 908-213-3500 | 62 S Main St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Guy's Bar | 908-859-9760 | 665 Columbus Ave | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Inn at Alpha | 908-387-0478 | 431 3rd Ave | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Jimmy's on the Delaware | 908-454-2999 | 7 Union Sq | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Joe's Steak Shop | 908-454-9545 | 274 S Main St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Jumbo Subs | 908-387-0572 | 1217 S Main St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Key City Diner | 908-859-2373 | 985 US Highway 22 | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Larken Associates | 908-859-0821 | 130 Limerick Ln | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Mac's Pub | 908-454-9127 | 511 S Main St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Mc Donald's Family Restaurant | 609-859-2312 | 660 Memorial Pkwy | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Panera Bread | 908-387-0741 | 1196 US Highway 22 | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Peking Best One | 908-387-1008 | 375 S Main St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Perkins Family Restaurant | 908-859-8181 | 1313 US Highway 22 | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Phillipsburg Subway | 908-859-5666 | 400 Memorial Pkwy | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Piazza's Plaza | 908-859-5559 | 67 State Route 57 | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Red Rose Cafe | 908-454-1113 | 469 S Main St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Ruby Tuesday Restaurant # 3153 | 908-213-2200 | 1234 US Highway 22 | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Sammy's Drive in | 908-454-4244 | 1193 US Highway 22 | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Simplicity Cafe | 908-387-1770 | 4 Union Sq | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
South Stockton Station Family Restaura | 908-454-3088 | 435 S Main St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Tom's Lunch | 908-454-3355 | 473 S Main St | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Wardell The | 908-387-1380 | 9 Union Sq | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 908-454-3633 | 80 Memorial Pkwy | Phillipsburg | NJ | 08865 |
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