Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Gallup, NM 87301
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Gallup NM should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethany Christian Reformed Church | 505-722-6444 | 1110 S Strong Dr | Gallup | NM | 87301 |
Casa Substance Abuse Support Group | 505-722-2937 | 1000 E Green St | Gallup | NM | 87301 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 505-722-7096 | 601 Susan Ave | Gallup | NM | 87301 |
Community Bible Church | 505-371-5544 | Highway 264 | Gallup | NM | 87301 |
East Aztec Baptist Church | 505-722-7307 | 310 E Aztec Ave | Gallup | NM | 87301 |
Elbuen Pastor Baptist Church | 505-722-6324 | 610 N 4th St | Gallup | NM | 87301 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 505-722-7312 | 213 S Boardman Ave | Gallup | NM | 87301 |
First Baptist Church | 505-722-4401 | 2112 College Dr | Gallup | NM | 87301 |
First United Methodist Church | 505-863-4512 | 1800 Redrock Dr | Gallup | NM | 87301 |
Gallup Baptist Church | 505-722-5114 | 222 Boulder Rd | Gallup | NM | 87301 |
Gallup Christian Center | 505-722-5840 | Highway 602 Zuni Byp | Gallup | NM | 87301 |
Gallup Christian Church | 505-863-5620 | 501 S Cliff Dr | Gallup | NM | 87301 |
Howard Chapel A M E | 505-863-6490 | 107 E Wilson Ave | Gallup | NM | 87301 |
Joshua Generation for Jesus | 505-863-2688 | 1375 Elva Dr | Gallup | NM | 87301 |
Native Bible Fellowship | 505-722-2098 | 405 W Morgan Ave | Gallup | NM | 87301 |
St Paul Baptist Church | 505-863-4124 | 1121 W Lincoln Ave | Gallup | NM | 87301 |
Stronghold Church | 505-863-6765 | 214 W Maloney Ave | Gallup | NM | 87301 |
The Light House Church | 505-726-8319 | 808 E Historic Highway 66 | Gallup | NM | 87301 |
Trinity Lutheran Church | 505-863-3375 | 1100 E Mesa Ave | Gallup | NM | 87301 |
Westminster Presbyterian Ch | 505-722-3247 | 151 State Highway 564 | Gallup | NM | 87301 |
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