Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Santa Fe, NM 87501
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Santa Fe NM should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church | 505-983-9461 | Old Pecos Tr & Mi St | Santa Fe | NM | 87501 |
Christian Science Reading Room | 505-982-1342 | 142 Lincoln Ave | Santa Fe | NM | 87501 |
First Presbyterian Church | 505-982-8544 | 208 Grant Ave | Santa Fe | NM | 87501 |
Iglesia Bautista El Buen Pastor | 505-983-4779 | 1250 W Alameda St | Santa Fe | NM | 87501 |
Nobile Truth Bookstore Ksk | 505-471-5336 | 751 Airport Rd | Santa Fe | NM | 87501 |
Project on Being With Dying The | 505-986-8518 | 1404 Cerro Gordo Rd | Santa Fe | NM | 87501 |
Schools Private & Parochial | 505-982-2080 | Don Gaspar & Cordova | Santa Fe | NM | 87501 |
Vineyard Christian Fellowship | 505-424-4270 | 1345 Camino De Los Lopez | Santa Fe | NM | 87501 |
Westminster Presbyterian Ch | 505-983-8939 | 841 W Manhattan Ave | Santa Fe | NM | 87501 |
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