Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Santa Fe, NM 87505
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Santa Fe NM should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Berean Baptist Church | 505-982-5706 | 1352 San Juan Dr | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 505-983-9766 | 1313 Apache Ave | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Capital Christian Church | 505-982-2080 | 1213 Don Gaspar Ave | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Christ Lutheran Church Elca | 505-983-9461 | 1701 Arroyo Chamiso | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Christian Brothers | 505-982-2761 | 100 Siringo Rd | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Christian Science Church | 505-982-5477 | 323 E Cordova Rd | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Church of Christ | 505-983-8636 | 1205 Galisteo St | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
First Baptist Church of Santa Fe | 505-983-9141 | 1605 Old Pecos Trl | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
First Christian Church Disciples of Ch | 505-983-3433 | 645 Webber St | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Gideons International of Santa Fe | 505-986-1180 | 210 Cadiz Rd | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Johrei Center of Santa Fe | 505-820-0451 | 1500 5th St Ste 10 | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Methodist Church St John's United | 505-982-5397 | 1200 Old Pecos Trl | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Sante Fe Baptist Association | 505-982-5855 | 2006 Rosina St | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Spanish Baptist Church | 505-982-5854 | 1420 Cerrillos Rd | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
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