Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Counseling in Santa Fe, NM 87505
* Each listing below of Counseling Information for Santa Fe NM should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Andes Ron Crt Lpc | 505-438-9592 | 138 Ridgecrest Dr | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Bergeron Jean L Craniopath | 505-988-1774 | 823 Allendale St | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Berglind Britt Dr | 505-820-3436 | 532 Don Gaspar Ave | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Berman & Associates | 505-989-7777 | 1225 S Saint Francis Dr Ste F | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Body Mind Awareness Pc | 505-438-3344 | 1919 5th St Ste D | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Christie Christiana V L Ma Lpcc | 505-982-8823 | 1500 5th St Ste 4 | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Clear View Window Washing | 505-982-0874 | 1956 Thomas Ave | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Cooke Jerry Iisw | 505-983-3676 | 1482 S Saint Francis Dr | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
CR Melinda Walker Lmt | 505-471-1244 | 1807 2nd St Ste 25 | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Dacosta Cynthia S Counseling | 505-438-4888 | 1316 Maclovia St | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Davis Genevieve Lpcc Lmft | 505-983-7105 | 422 Medico Ln Ste D | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Davis Martha Lpcc Lmft | 505-989-8199 | 1448 S Saint Francis Dr | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Fickey F Jim PhD | 505-986-8688 | 7628 Old Santa Fe Trl | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Gallegos Kay PhD | 505-989-1615 | 1450 S Saint Francis Dr | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Hofer Ursula | 505-984-1719 | 2019 Galisteo St Ste M3 | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Infinite Possibilities Thomas E Welter | 505-988-5504 | 1474 S Saint Francis Dr | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Johnson William F MD | 505-954-8777 | 1601 Saint Michaels Dr | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Kinkade Jerry PhD Psychotherapy A | 505-986-1723 | 1502 S Saint Francis Dr | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Kohn John D & Sati Psychotherapist | 505-982-8735 | 615 Calle De Leon | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Michaelson Psychotherapy I | 505-438-3732 | 2912 Calle Derecha | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Northern Clinics Drug Abuse Treatment | 505-438-0035 | 1316 Apache Ave | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Pearlman Ellen Msw | 505-988-2111 | 1310 Escalante St | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Southwestern Counseling Center Southwes | 505-471-8575 | 1628 Saint Michaels Dr | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Steve Berlyn Acsw | 505-984-1306 | 1807 2nd St Ste 44C | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
Turner Jennie A MD | 505-986-9239 | 1043 E Don Diego Ave Ste A | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
West Jacqueline J PhD | 505-984-0102 | 312 E Berger St | Santa Fe | NM | 87505 |
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