Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Los Lunas, NM 87031
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Los Lunas NM should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christ the King Lutheran Church | 505-865-9226 | 700 Camelot Blvd SW | Los Lunas | NM | 87031 |
Christian Fellowship | 505-865-9851 | 628 Los Lentes Rd SE | Los Lunas | NM | 87031 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 505-565-2545 | 160 James Rd | Los Lunas | NM | 87031 |
Community Bible Church | 505-866-0292 | 1467 Highway 314 NW | Los Lunas | NM | 87031 |
First Baptist Church of Los Lunas | 505-865-7957 | 914 Los Lentes Rd SE | Los Lunas | NM | 87031 |
Good News Baptist Church of Meado | 505-865-3581 | 276 Meadow Lake Rd | Los Lunas | NM | 87031 |
Grace Fellowship | 505-865-4722 | 3384 State Highway 47 | Los Lunas | NM | 87031 |
New Hope Community Outreach Center | 505-865-8877 | 3370 State Highway 47 | Los Lunas | NM | 87031 |
Valley Lutheran Church | 505-865-6169 | 3259 State Highway 47 | Los Lunas | NM | 87031 |
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