Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Las Vegas, NV 89104
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Las Vegas NV should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Chinese Baptist Church | 702-696-1731 | 700 E Saint Louis Ave | Las Vegas | NV | 89104 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 702-366-1801 | 811 Sweeney Ave | Las Vegas | NV | 89104 |
El Camino A Cristo Lutheran Church | 702-893-0991 | 580 E Saint Louis Ave | Las Vegas | NV | 89104 |
Episcopal Churches | 702-735-3633 | 2000 S Maryland Pkwy | Las Vegas | NV | 89104 |
Evangelica Cristiana Espiritual Chur | 702-431-9000 | 4610 Patterson Ave | Las Vegas | NV | 89104 |
Griffith United Methodist | 702-384-5255 | 1701 E Oakey Blvd | Las Vegas | NV | 89104 |
Hitching Post Wedding Chapel | 702-369-8882 | 1737 Las Vegas Blvd S | Las Vegas | NV | 89104 |
Jesus Is Lord Church Las Vegas Inc | 702-385-1112 | 3049 E Charleston Blvd | Las Vegas | NV | 89104 |
Living Faith Assembly | 702-898-0770 | 4560 E Charleston Blvd | Las Vegas | NV | 89104 |
Metropolitan Community Church | 702-369-4380 | 1140 Almond Tree Ln | Las Vegas | NV | 89104 |
Monaco Wedding Chapel | 702-796-5060 | 1735 Las Vegas Blvd S | Las Vegas | NV | 89104 |
River of Life Fellowship | 702-220-5188 | 3230 E Charleston Blvd Ste 101 | Las Vegas | NV | 89104 |
Spring Meadows Presbyterian Ch | 702-384-3437 | 1600 E Oakey Blvd | Las Vegas | NV | 89104 |
Trinity Life Center Assembly of God | 702-734-2223 | 1000 E Saint Louis Ave | Las Vegas | NV | 89104 |
Truth Christian Ministries | 702-396-3189 | 890 E Sahara Ave | Las Vegas | NV | 89104 |
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