Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Las Vegas, NV 89108
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Las Vegas NV should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Assembly Bible Church | 702-648-7277 | 1746 Primrose Path | Las Vegas | NV | 89108 |
Center for Positive Living | 702-255-6412 | 6711 W Alexander Rd | Las Vegas | NV | 89108 |
Christ Covenant Church | 702-631-4332 | 2020 N Michael Way | Las Vegas | NV | 89108 |
Church of God 7th Day | 702-437-0050 | 6672 Escalon Dr | Las Vegas | NV | 89108 |
Desert Harvest Mission Church | 702-395-3377 | 4900 Bevvie Dr | Las Vegas | NV | 89108 |
First Nevada Cme Church | 702-839-0633 | 3245 N Torrey Pines Dr | Las Vegas | NV | 89108 |
Foothills Southern Baptist Church | 702-645-0479 | 6405 W Cheyenne Ave | Las Vegas | NV | 89108 |
Fresh Start Baptist | 702-647-9923 | 1401 N Decatur Blvd | Las Vegas | NV | 89108 |
Gideons International | 702-648-9893 | 4321 Mark Ave | Las Vegas | NV | 89108 |
Gospel Outreach Center Ministries | 702-658-3645 | 6484 W Cheyenne Ave | Las Vegas | NV | 89108 |
Holy Spirit Lutheran Church | 702-645-1777 | 6670 W Cheyenne Ave | Las Vegas | NV | 89108 |
Liberty Baptist Church | 702-647-4522 | 6501 W Lake Mead Blvd | Las Vegas | NV | 89108 |
Masjid Haseebullah | 702-395-7013 | 3799 Edward Ave | Las Vegas | NV | 89108 |
Mt Charleston Baptist | 702-872-7010 | 1 Kyle Canyon Rd | Las Vegas | NV | 89108 |
Now Faith Christian Center Ministri | 702-638-1817 | 1559 N Decatur Blvd | Las Vegas | NV | 89108 |
Reconciliation Apostolic | 702-386-7266 | 1401 N Decatur Blvd Ste 14 | Las Vegas | NV | 89108 |
Twin Lakes Baptist Sbc | 702-648-5864 | 5700 Vegas Dr | Las Vegas | NV | 89108 |
Vegas Church of Christ | 702-648-4827 | 3816 Vegas Dr | Las Vegas | NV | 89108 |
Westminster Presbyterian Ch | 702-648-8437 | 4601 W Lake Mead Blvd | Las Vegas | NV | 89108 |
Word of Grace Christian Fellowship | 702-647-1617 | 3956 Melody Ln | Las Vegas | NV | 89108 |
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