Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Las Vegas, NV 89121
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Las Vegas NV should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Akselrad Sanford Rabbi | 702-733-6292 | 2761 Emerson Ave | Las Vegas | NV | 89121 |
Apostolic Assembly Church | 702-307-7910 | 4770 Happy Valley Ave | Las Vegas | NV | 89121 |
Ce Palabra Viva | 702-531-3170 | 3415 S Mojave Rd | Las Vegas | NV | 89121 |
Centro Cristiano De Victoria | 702-898-8878 | 3430 E Tropicana Ave Ste 42 | Las Vegas | NV | 89121 |
Community Lutheran Church | 702-458-2241 | 3720 E Tropicana Ave | Las Vegas | NV | 89121 |
Desert Hills Baptist Church | 702-451-2100 | 4401 S Nellis Blvd | Las Vegas | NV | 89121 |
Eckankar | 702-369-0101 | 3160 E Desert Inn Rd | Las Vegas | NV | 89121 |
First Korean Presbyterian Ch | 702-454-2525 | 3500 E Harmon Ave | Las Vegas | NV | 89121 |
House of Israel Christian Fello | 702-453-8888 | 4603 S Sandhill Rd | Las Vegas | NV | 89121 |
Mt Olive Lutheran Church & School | 702-451-1050 | 3975 S Sandhill Rd | Las Vegas | NV | 89121 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 702-641-5131 | 3739 Glen Ave | Las Vegas | NV | 89121 |
Progressive Pilgrim Fellowship | 702-547-5670 | 3375 S Mojave Rd | Las Vegas | NV | 89121 |
The Four Seasons Community Churc | 702-431-5892 | 4420 Sands Point Cir | Las Vegas | NV | 89121 |
United Pentecostal | 702-434-5802 | 4645 Woodland Ave | Las Vegas | NV | 89121 |
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