Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in North Las Vegas, NV 89030
* Each listing below of Churches Information for North Las Vegas NV should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bush Robert J Rev | 702-642-6357 | 2844 Civic Center Dr | North Las Vegas | NV | 89030 |
Calvary Southern Baptist Church | 702-649-7230 | 1600 E Cartier Ave | North Las Vegas | NV | 89030 |
Church of Christ | 702-642-3141 | 2424 McCarran St | North Las Vegas | NV | 89030 |
College Park Baptist Church | 702-642-5921 | 2101 E Owens Ave | North Las Vegas | NV | 89030 |
First African Methodist Episcopal Churc | 702-649-1774 | 2450 Revere St | North Las Vegas | NV | 89030 |
Frontier Southern Baptist Church | 702-642-8776 | 3459 E Cheyenne Ave | North Las Vegas | NV | 89030 |
Greater New Morning Star | 702-642-0059 | 2344 Webster St | North Las Vegas | NV | 89030 |
Holy Trinity African Methodist Episc | 702-877-0790 | 700 Lola Ave | North Las Vegas | NV | 89030 |
Iglesia Evangelica Cristo Viene | 702-474-2909 | 537 E Brooks Ave | North Las Vegas | NV | 89030 |
Iglesia the God of Church | 702-657-0779 | 3020 Haddock Ave | North Las Vegas | NV | 89030 |
Jesus Is the Answer Men's Home | 702-639-6060 | 1617 E Brooks Ave | North Las Vegas | NV | 89030 |
Mt Ararat Church | 702-399-1921 | 732 Miller Ave | North Las Vegas | NV | 89030 |
New Birth Baptist Assembly | 702-649-1558 | 2200 E Cheyenne Ave | North Las Vegas | NV | 89030 |
New Vision Baptist Church | 702-438-5370 | 3434 Kier Rd | North Las Vegas | NV | 89030 |
Seguidores De Cristo | 702-649-6122 | 2727 Civic Center Dr | North Las Vegas | NV | 89030 |
Tabernacle of Faith | 702-657-2024 | 2030 Yale St | North Las Vegas | NV | 89030 |
Valley Baptist Church | 702-642-3280 | 2944 Civic Center Dr | North Las Vegas | NV | 89030 |
Zion Methodist Church | 702-648-7806 | 2108 Revere St | North Las Vegas | NV | 89030 |
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